Thursday, May 29, 2008

June Is Busting Out All Over In Vegas

Talk about recession. Where is the water?

Vegas visitors: Don't forget, this Sunday is the first day of June, so don't forget to set your biological clocks ahead as much as necessary to adjust for the lusty, busty month of June. Most marriages in Vegas occur in June. So do many divorces.

March went out like a lion
Awakin' up the water in the bay;
Then April cried and stepped aside,
And along came pretty little May!
May was full of promises
But she didn't keep 'em quickly enough for some
And the crowd of doubtin' tomuses
Was predictin' that the summer'd never come ...

-- Lyrics from "June Is Bustin' Out All Over" from the musical Carousel

I just love the multi-meaning ambiguity of this title: June is bustin' out all over, indeed!!

  • First meaning: drool about all the pools in Las Vegas that allow busts to be out ( so called European style sunbathing ). But its been done so many times before, yawn...

    June is bustin' out all over
    The ocean is full of Jacks and Jills,
    With the little tail a-swishing'
    Ev'ry lady fish is wishin'
    That a male would come
    And grab 'er by the gills!

  • Second meaning: speculate about how the month of June will be the second month in a row where Vegas revenues are down, indeed "bustin'", meaning that this is the end of the "recession proof" Vegas that we have known and loved for decades.

    Because it's June... June, June, June
    Just because it's June, June, June!

  • Third meaning: gaping at my neighbor's young daughter -- well, her name is June and there she is, out there, right now, sunbathing, uh, I will be right back, I have to find my glasses.

    Fresh and alive and gay and young
    June is a love song, sweetly song...

  • (oh, well, too bad she is soo young, and "gay" and I'm married!! - just looking at the birds, honey... )

View video from the 1956 movie Carousel based on the Ferenc Molnar play Liliom.


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